[SOLVED] Bug in Header in Grid v9.10.020

Hello everyone,

I’ve recently updated to the latest version, v9.10.020, and I’m encountering a bug when attempting to edit the Header and Footer in the Layout option of a Grid. The error message reads:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Is anyone else experiencing the same issue?

Thank you!

The same phenomenon occurs in the Forms.

Dear @Beatriz_Henriques,

When we carried out some tests on the most recent version of Scriptcase (9.10.21(2)), we did not identify the problem reported above in the Grid and Form applications.

Could you please give us more details, such as the characteristics of your environment where Scriptcase is installed?

We await your return so we can continue.

Best regards!


Scriptcase is installed on Windows with PHP version 8.1.6. What specific information do you require?

Thank you for your attention.

Thanks for the feedback, @Beatriz_Henriques

Did you install it through the Windows 64bit installer? Or did you already have an environment set up and just used the Scriptcase zip/tgz package to do the manual installation?

If you installed it using the installer, exactly which version was it installed on? Did this error start to occur after 9.10.020(3)?

We thank you for your collaboration.

Best regards!

Yes, I installed using the Windows 64-bit installer, and it was version 9.10.020. Today, I exported my projects, uninstalled all of Scriptcase, and installed the newest version. The problem disappeared.

Thank you for the support.

That’s great! Thanks for your feedback.

Best regards!