error while create project

i created a new project, but the name of project is “blank” “null” (see photo), i want remove it.

how can do it

scriptcase error.jpg

This is one of my first problems I encountered when I started with SC. I’m curious how you managed to get this as I couldn’t reproduce the problem. The only way to get rid of it is fiddling with the sqlite repository. As you are a new user or a testing user you can ask SC to do it for you. Otherwize you can locate te sqlite db and open it using a freeware tool like SQLite explorer.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann

excuse me, but i know little bit english.
I use SC from one year, the problem is born after crash of browser while i was creating new project, it’s imposible reproduce it.

i searched the db of SC, but it don’t find it.

Now, after your reply i have installed SqlLite, i search of to localize il db.

thank a lot

look at netmake\v7\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\conf\scriptcase

You will have to look into the several tables to locate the problem. BUT… PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP OF THIS FILE FIRST!!!

If anything goes wrong your in big trouble if you cannot restore.

Hello Mr. frdanilo,

I’m from the technical support of the scriptcase.
Please, if you can, send to me the nm_scriptcase.db file , located at the path:
So, i’ll do a verification to correct the database.
Please, send to the mail:
Thank you.


i located nm_scriptcase.db and i finded a record in table “sc_tbprj” with field “Cod_prj” blank; i deleted this record and i resolved.