Field disabled but can clic on link associated or calculator !! Non sense .... PLEASE

a flight to brazil hehe I don’ think Albert will allow it, unless during vacations then you go together loool

but i hear is not safe there, see bartho and marcia long time didn’t hear from them, perhaps gangs took them out, or, some SC angry customers kidnapped them somewhere in Rio de Janeiro and wont release them unless all bugs be solved… I watch a lot of US movies huh hehehe just kidding for sure

simply as Albert said, they are doing their best lately, it is obvious, and we ar thankful for the efforts, but quality level and control differ in their location comparing to our places standards


Hello again

This bug is remaining not resolved yet !!!

to remember : if you add a onbur ajaxevent to a field, you enter into this field for input and you clic directly to a button you need to clic a second time to this button to execute it

Please bug teams , do something for that it was working on sc7

See also this thread, same problem: click


I’m not sure, but my assumption is:

Ajax petition is closing the JS events cycle due to “redirection”. When you click on calculator, blur is fired because field is losing the event, due redirecting context by Ajax petition, click event is not fired. Then, because field hasn’t focus, click works ok, and blur is fired again.

I’m not a JS guru, maybe I writed something crazy, but has some kind of sense.

A simple solution:

Hello Giu

Thanks for your solution with your js methods !!! it’s work perfect but that’s means that I need to change +/- 200 applications with I think in each app an average for 5 fields with onbur events !!!

My project is installed and working fine, if I do that solution I take the risk to create new errors !!! in other hand, in sc7 it was working !!!

shit situation !!!

has you access to V7 generated code? Did you tried to see diff between versions? Maybe some preventDefault here and there can solve it?

I can see that , I’ll tell you if I find something


I write this a lot of time but nothing resolved

Suppose :

a field with a link app associate to a modal grid app , I disable it in some case in my code but I can clic on link button and change the field value ???

a numeric field with calculator , I disable it in some case in my code but I can clic on calculator button and change the field value ???

And, very urgent !!! v28 did not resolve the bug with twice click on button if the last field has a ONBUR ajax_event



Thank you for reporting the disabled fields. I will be informing the development team for this problem to be resolved.

The ONBUR the problem will be fixed in the next update.

Thank you.