[SOLVED] Invalid default value for 'mfa_last_updated'

When I try to generate a new security module on my Scriptcase 9.10 on a MariaDB, I suddenly are getting this error message:


Creating sec_users
Invalid default value for ‘mfa_last_updated’
I earlier succeeded making new security modules with Scriptcase 9.10 and MariaDB, and I can make new security modules with PostgreSQL without problems.
This guy reported the same problem yesterday, but the error is not showing up in this forum.
Any known solution on this issue, except for making a copy tables and modules from earlier 9.10 projects?

Hi @lassekbplus

The problem has already been identified and passed on to our development team.

As soon as the fix is ​​released, I will report back here.

Best regards!

Hello @lassekbplus

This issue has been fixed in the latest version (9.10.008).

Please update your environment and verify if it was solved.


Sorry for the late reply. All good :wink:

I’m getting the same issue, please check