[PARTIALLY SOLVED] Grid apps: TEXT fields wrongly created as BLOB

SC grid app SQL is:

     log_text AS log_text2

‘log_text’ is a MEDIUMTEXT field in a mariadb database

Given the above, SC will automatically create two fields in the app:

log_text   SQL Type MEDIUMTEXT
log_text2  SQL Type BLOB

Why does SC create log_text2 as a BLOB?

This is wrong and quick search will not work on that field.

It seems that TEXT fields with AS in the SELECT. i.e.

fieldname AS new_fieldname

will make SC wrongly treat them as a BLOB fields

use this in your select statement:

CAST(CONVERT(column1 USING utf8) AS CHAR(255)) AS column1



thanks for the reply

i did try that already, but it works only with small text.

I’ve just checked to see what is the CHAR(X) threshold that makes SC go wrong:

  • AS CHAR( <= 21843 ): the field is created as CHAR
  • AS CHAR( >= 21844 ): the field is wrongly created as BLOB

The same applies if instead of CHAR() i use VARCHAR()

I had a look into this…
SC uses the query “SHOW COLUMNS FROM test” to check column data types. Since log_text2 isn’t there I assume it is defaulting it to be a blob.

We can fix this by using a view (which works well in a grid application).

CREATE view test_view AS 
SELECT log_text, 
log_text AS log_text2 
FROM test

Then the new select statement for SC is:

FROM  test_view

And this works well, with both fields configured as medium_text


thanks for your reply.

Ok (but not ok…) not being able to correctly auto detect the data type, but why is SC creating a BLOB for a field explicitly cast to a CHAR(x) with x >= 21844 ??

Anyway, yes with a view in the DB, thus avoiding using 'AS ’ in SC, the issue is fixed.
I’m doing that already with most of my sql selects used in grid.

But the actual SELECT (more complex than the one I used as an example) has SC global vars in it.

To “move”, from SC to the DB server, SELECT statement with global vars, I have to create parameterized views.

Views with parameters are not easy to write\manage and what if the DB server doesn’t support those views? (mine does)

So I hope @NetMake fix this issue in SC


can anyone at NetMake take a look at this issue?

@Henrique_Barros please…

I’ll take a look on this issue, but please don’t forget to report it also on bugs@scriptcase.net. The team receiving this e-mail will have a test environment ready for us developers to use.

I’ll report back in a few hours.

Thank you!


After carrying out some tests, we identified the problem and reported it to the development team.

As soon as the fix is ​​released, we will be providing feedback through this thread.

Best regards!

@Henrique_Barros \ @Danilo_Lima
Thanks guys.
I really appreciate your improvements lately in interacting with us in the forum.


The fix was released in version 9.11.019, which is now available for update.

Best regards!

Thanks Danilo!
Quick response.



It seems to work with a ‘simple’ AS.
But with a more complex select it doesn’t work:

 	log AS log2,
 	if('[prj]' = 1, log, '') AS log3

log2 is now created as MEDIUMTEXT (thanks for the fix)

log3 is still created as LONG_BLOB in SC

(log is a MEDIMUTEXT field)

Note that in mariadb executing “CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE test_table AS SELECT …”, using the above select, will create a log3 field of type LONGTEXT.

More info.

This line in the grid’s sql select:

cast(log as CHAR) AS log4

will create a BLOB in SC.
It should create a LONGTEXT