PHP 7.4 Support

Any news on when scriptcase will deliver on php 7.4?

Hopefully 8.0 as 7.4 will be eol at the end of this year. You can use 7.4 on your production server, but it depends on the features that you use. But the differences between 7.3 and 7.4 are not that big.

Thanks for the response. 8.0 will be nice.
But u think scrptcase apps would work fine under php 7.4?

We haven’t had much trouble, but again, it might be depending on the libs you use. But if you encounter issues then they shouldn’t be hard to fix. The critical point here is the lack of info from the SC organisation. They promised to be done at the end of last year, 7.3 is end-of-life and still no formal support to 7.4. That bothers me.

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@aducom : if I understand you correctly, all SC stuff under _lib folder works in production on 7.4 so we only need to (possibly) amend own code to remove deprecated stuff?

In other words, you’ve not come across errors/ user displayed warnings as a result of core SC libraries when running on 7.4?

Your confirmation would be appreciated (disclaimer also assumed of course :slight_smile: )

If you only have Notice, Warning or Deprecated message you can turn them off with

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ (E_NOTICE | E_WARNING | E_DEPRECATED));

Note that Deprecated message mean that your code work for now, but it will not work in a future version of PHP

Be carefull about warning, they may hide a problem

Hmmm…these are dangerous waters with crocs. Many thanks anyway

I am running in 7.4 for a while now…no specific issues yet.

We haven’t had much issues, just minor in some of our custom code. But the disclaimer is that we mainly have administrative applications, we don’t use much fancy stuff.

SC has problems with BLOB fields in PHP version 7.4

please, see

Save data in a form with picture field not possible anymore

well, the current scriptcase does NOT support 7.4. So working with 7.4 is on your own risk!

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