both your solutions don’t seem feasible to me:
- issues with authentication: multiple URLs will require multiple logins (i’m using MS azure authentication)
- too complicated\cumbersome for end users
I think a better solution would be for NetMake to create a new kind of apps: “linking apps”.
In the SC IDE they would be just a link to an existing application and the only setting in the linking app would be its name (thus a different\unique name) and which app it links to (the “real” app).
When compiling\deploying the linking app, the SC IDE would create all standard dirs\files as normal apps but using the linked (real) app as source. The generated dir\files names and the files content would use the linking app name instead of the linked (real) app name.
In this way we could create as many linking apps to the same real app as needed.
By using a different linking app name in the settings of each app that opens the same real app in a different tab, there wouldn’t be any conflict.
Note that I’m talking about SC apps tabs, not browser tabs. That’s why the programmer has control on which/how many different tabs will open the same apps