Save email sent APP control and error message


Back to the grid.

Run OnRecord:
[arr_email_to][] = {supplier_id}; <-- the name supplier_id is an example, it has to be the name of the primary_key field of your fornitorischede table.

Control app

$email_sql = “SELECT … WHERE email IN [var_email_to]”; <-- again, the field (email) in the WHERE clause has to be the name of the primary_key field of your fornitorischede table. It is the same as above.


I tried but it does not work, but I think I understand where the error is.
From the database through the grid fornitorischede I step the email field, but the email field is the primary key of the DB, its primary key is the field ID

how it changes the grid and control ???

please help me why it is important to do other related applications.