- Added the following options in the express edition of applications:
- Fix top toolbar
- Fix bottom toolbar
- Rows counter
- Inputs 100% width
- CSS Style (only when "apply individually is selected)
- Show the Error Title in the Field
- Script Error
- SQL Error
- Added the option to choose the type (output or input) in the global variable in project default values.
- Added new macro “sc_event_hint” for the fields created in the ajax onClick event of the grid application.
- Adjusted the display format of custom messages for inserting, updating and deleting the form to “toast”.
- Adjusted the visual appearance of the calendar component of the “Date Comparison” field to inherit styles from Scriptcase themes.
- Adjusted the width of the side menu of the project message interface.
- Adjusted the default value of the “Parameter Type” option to “No value” in connections between applications, when the parameter is a global variable.
- Fixed the Undefined array key “samaccountname” error when saving an LDAP connection in the administration interface.
- Fixed the Undefined array key “margin” error when making any changes to the application’s display settings in versions without an active upgrade.
- Fixed a problem with the width and measurement unit options of the table in the express edition for Filter applications.
- Fixed a problem with the footer option within “Templates” in the express edition for query, form and filter applications.
- Fixed a problem when inserting a record using the step-by-step form. It should return to the first step instead of staying in the last step.
- Fixed a problem with the calendar component of the “Date” field when it was opened in the filter builder in modal.
- Fixed a problem when exporting a project. When the user, inside the project, tried to export it, it listed the other projects created before exporting.
- Fixed a problem with the OnBlur ajax event with Select2 enabled.
- Fixed problem with previewing menu icons in the menu icons option.
- Fixed problem when starting the Apache service in the distros CentOS, Almalinux and Debian.