Signature Capture

Dr Tims solution looks interesting…Maybe he can provide a solution on saving the image? By the looks of it, my guess is he already has this figured out…

I would think either js library would work, probably just a matter of preference.

Hmm, I do not know what to do, because my knowledge of this is not enough.

I’m still a little studied, if I find any solution.
Nevertheless, thanks for your help and tips.

Hi rik and others,
I have tried this while ago with some tips given to me by member gbravi. But couldn’t figure it out 100%. I have managed to draw the signature on the canvas but was not able to save it as an image in a form field. I tried to contact gbravi to see whether I can get some paid support but he was not available.

Really good if someone can help us with jSignature library to implement in form.

I think that here we do not find solutions.
User hbmaddog two months ago is very much help in finding a solution and we almost come to an end.
However, it was not a 100% solution and I could not use it. (Thanks to user hbmaddog)

Then I decided to order a programming that solution and I paid in advance. But also I do not have a solution, although it is of this for a long time.

Scriptcase community is simply too small to be able to count on the help of others.
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Finally managed to get this working on form application. Followed the instruction from a webinar posted by sc recently. Tweaked it a bit to save the signature in the correct path with record id.

This can be done fairly easily if you followed the instructions from that webinar. Good luck!

Yes “aari77”
I tried it. The solution is fine and works.

It would be much more useful if the signature could be called in a modal - say with a button.

Has anyone been able to find out and can advise?