Special HTML header/footer curly brackets variables

After a bit of research into SC’s own sample lib, I’ve found there were a few ‘magic’ curly bracketed variables such as {NM_CSS_CAB} and {NM_CSS_FUN_CAB} already in existence. Proving a system that allows for such behaviour is already implemented. So, it would be nice to extend upon this a few handy bits and pieces. I propose adding the following variables.

[SIZE=14px]{SC_LIB_[B][ GRP | SYS | PRJ ][/B]_[B][ LIBNAME ][/B]}[/SIZE]

Example; {SC_LIB_PRJ_FOO} that would be resulting into a string like
"../_lib/libraries/prj/foo/" to include CSS/JS/IMG in the header without having
to hardcode paths that may or may not change in the near future of Scriptcase.
[SIZE=14px]<!-- SC_HEADER_CSS:[ [B][I]str relative path[/I][/B] ] -->
<!-- SC_HEADER_JS:[ [B][I]str relative path[/I][/B] ] -->[/SIZE]

Example; <!-- SC_HEADER_CSS:../_lib/libraries/prj/foo --> that would include
the CSS file into the ?ctual <head> section of the HTML file being sent to the
end-user's browser. Now, the CSS/JS scripts are being summoned somewhere
halfway the DOM and that leads to some pretty ugly behaviour during pageloads.
The HTML style commenting as variables is already happening for control apps,
so a system to respond to these variables is already included in SC.

It seems you were also curiuus about the ‘magic’ variables.
Maybe you know the answer to my question.

Also where is the loic of using these? Because the value of NM_CSS_CAB is class="scMenuTHeaderFont and seems to be a constant.
And above this scMenuTHeaderFont style is in clear…
So I don’t know why to use these in header when you can simply use plain CSS