"Use Select2" can't show the data in chrome browser

I set up a field as “select”. when I choose ’Use Select2‘,
It works in firefox and it doesn’t show up in chrome.


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Clean cache browser may be help

If the app is open as modal it’s a recurring bug.
The only workaround I’m aware of is to reload the app on load once using js.

Hi robydago, I’m facing the same issue. Would you mind sharing the js code that can be used in OnLoad?

Select2 Fails in Form Application Detail Form - Scriptcase 9 / Bugs - Scriptcase

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This bug of select2, for the field not to be “shrunk”, defined the width of the field and the input object and resolved

But the Select2 field now does not set focus into the search box when you open it (in Chrome). We see these errors in the browser console:


Sorry, more detail…


Update to release 9.6.015.
Update the library of “Select2”. It will be necessary to clear the browser cache, after updating Scriptcase and generating the applications.