just saying, nice to have stuff
1- sometimes, inside sc folders we have many applications, it is nice to have small number shows how many applications are there in the folder
2- when copying or renaming application, nice to have option to move it directly to other folder inside sc
3- why not possible to select multiple applications and hit copy to have them copied instad of copying one by one…
4- in grid, when field is hidden, or not shown in grid by default, we can’t edit its settings, unless we add it to grid first… some of the fields really need to edit them even if not added to grid… something like those fields are not display by default, but later user can view them by selecting “columns” so it is nice to list all fields in the grid application on the left regardless to if they are selected to be displayed on the gird itself or not… it is prefect if you can distanguish the icon of the field that is shown in the grid or not while on the left
5- is it possible to have the applications publish when deployment inside their folders as shown in the sc folders… like folder1/application1 instead of having them all in one folder in the project/…
I don’t expect any of these will be applied soon but can you at least are those 5 points valid and will be add somehow to your suggestions/road map list?