A bug on Form's insert when there's a decimal/integer filed.

I’m using the latest version of Scriptcase and check update just today, so there’s all new.

Batch create a grid/form application and in the form application there’s a field integer or decimal:

After fill the form and click the Insert button, there’s error, and get the following SQL:

INSERT INTO table1 (packid, detailname, note, createuser , price) VALUES (2, ‘aaa’, ‘bbb’100.00’’, ‘admin’ , 100.00)

There’s error of course, why SQL like this?

I kept creating applications for several times, and got all the error.

I checked the code generated and find the image like above.

There’s obviously no comma in the SQL statement.


Just a single SQL statement, and just fix it.

THERE’re too many errors in the latest version ,include the fetal error that we must re-install the whole dev-environment manually. Just MAKE IT WORK!


I reported it last week. there’s no answer.
I can’t work since thursday.
My projects are delayed due to this bug.
Please. Is there anybody there to fix it?
Quality control needs urgent attention!

It happens in all form applications. Not only those including decimal fields. My example doesn’t include any decimal field.


Please fix it!. We need to work.

It fixed today, and at last…, I can use it!!!