A Bug SC Totaling columns

Yesterday a client tell me about a problem with a report that is totaling his accounts wrong.
Today the report show fine!!!. (How to prevent this from happening?).

I think there is something wrong with the query.
The first screenshot has 4 records but only two are shown. Why ?
The second screenshot has 2 records and two are shown.
This is the reason for the different totals. In the first case you are summing 4 numbers per column where in the second one just two.

You should investigate why the first grid shows only two records over four.
I would enable debug on and check for sql query errors

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The sql query issue could be in the sub grid…

if you look at the applied filters at the top right of the menu they look different.

Thanks you for your help.
I can see that SCRIPTCASE placed the AND operator at the end of each criteria in the filter. (I don’t understand how this is done?) if the user did the same steps for both reports).
