mybe i looking forward with PHPRunner!?!
Every rose has its thorns…
Horses for courses. I have PHPRunner and do use it occasionally. It’s excellent, but SC is more expansive and much better when you want customised projects.
The trick with SC is not to get excited about new releases. Bit like Ubuntu; eventually you realise that using the LTS versions makes much more sense - I’ve been using SC since version 5 and will state categorically that every major release was a disaster in its early stages. It always seems to take six or so months to sort itself out.
With the latest SC9, we can no longer connect to MS-Access or any ODBC for that matter. SC8.1 works fine. I’ve posted elsewhere about that.
My advice is caution and use SC8.1 until SC9 beta testing is completed. (I am of the view that the SC9 release was a beta release by any definition).
nice one
But soo true. Marcia claims that SC9 is the most stable version, based upon her experiences in Brazil, but I can hardly believe that. But we’ll see. Currently we haven’t even been looking to SC 9, as SC has promised to solve the security issues first which - so far - they haven’t. It’s easy to make promises, but apparently difficult to fulfill. As I told them earlier, I don’t respond to words, but by acts. I’m sure that things will be sorted out as always, but yes, it usually takes several months before a new release becomes usable.
Unfortunately, I’m finding that out just now, after putting in many hours on a new project in SC9. I’m having all kinds of issues. Just stupid bugs that should have been taken care of in a very early release (way before any beta version.) The funny thing is, completed 8.1 projects that I’ve imported into SC9 don’t have the same issues! Maybe I’ll try doing 90% of the work in 8.1, import into 9 and then use some of the latest added features! Nothing to lose there because I’ll still have the project in 8.1.
Anyway, I totally agree with GuiGuy - don’t start anything new in 9 - not yet anyway.
Success story
I have migrated my productive project to sc9. The problems that have affected my project (which I know) have been fixed so far. I was forced to do this because my provider has changed to PHP 7.0. I have the possibility to run the project on 5.6, but somehow my apps have not worked properly. So now my customers work with the project from SC9 and it runs so far.
Somebody works with SC 9 in production. Is this version tested? 6 months and I don`t see any update on my issues.
I do not know about PHPRunner but PHPMaker has a nice way to define all lookups at the level of data , so your forms will use it consistent. Right now you need to define lookups for the same field at forms, grid. I had a large form crashed and all this work is gone because you cannot extract the logicx (like in xml format or something). Is not it the essence of RAD?
another big issues is templating. you cannot add the latest bootstrap because SC has older jquery. At least i would be nice to add any css class to any field or element on the form, but nope, it is all require coding.
The set of default controls is crap. somehow there are 10 barcodes that nobody use but there is not yes/no checkbox, simple image slider. Funny that it is already there in the development SC environment.
I really like the move towards BI, it is promising and looks nice, otherwise there is no really an edge for SC in serious frontend projects.
Please go to Facebook and vote in the survey. Hopefully they finally realize they need to work on bugs because this is number 1 issue with SC
Provide the link please.
locate scriptcase english on facebook and request access.
This group is ran by Arthur out of Chicago and is very biased on his opinions
Group is closed.
Yes, netmake has no access… Just ask for access.
Yes, unfortunately, this is the image we manage to build through the years. One of our strategies to tackle this bad rep is not to foccus anymore on big releases, and instead just steadily and frequently release new features with the new patches, so we don’t have to deal with dozens of new features causing problems under the hood all at once.
We have noticed that, we changed some policies to make bugfixes more efficient and quick. We had a lot of work on the reported bugs since november 2017. One of our main issues is with organizing the channels we use to receive bugs from our custommers. We had a lot of bug reports unanswered and unseen for a long time. We are also working on making bug report more efficient and on providing a way for users to track bugs they reported.
Apparently, Jena is Arthur’s fake account. The group may be run by him and yes, may be a little biased, but this is not an issue. We have to pay attention to complaints, wherever they may come from.
I’ll look into updating the jQuery version we ship with the applications. I agree it should have been updated already. As for the field types requested, I am sure this suggestion will catch the board’s eyes and we will probably have those soon. Thanks for the suggestion (although I agree we should have thought of it ourselves).
I would like to take the time to Thank You and Netmake for the changes you are making. Scriptcase is a great product and I myself have not had any major problems, but the problems I did have was fixed very promptly. I have one application now that surpassed 2.5 million lines of code on the project. It works wonderfully well and I look forward to many more years of working with you.
I appreciate your response and the time you have taken to work through the issues. Keep up the good work.
Thank You,
Dr Tim