A small but old annoying bug

The fieldlength for html images is too small. If you select an icon from the lib the full name is presented, but because of the length you cannot copy it to another field because it will be truncated. To replicate: add a custom field, change it to image type. select an image. COpy image text and create a new field of the same type and paste it… the name will be cut off and cannot be modified.


The field supports 32 characters to write, when you import some image the name is more that 32. is recommended you select the image instead of write a name.

However, really is a problem. I reported the problem to our development team for they correct it, When solved will include it in update release.

Best regard,
Netmake team

Yes, select the name works but requires a lot of steps. This is very inconveniant when you already know the name. I like the image libarary but using it is not as fast as the old version.