for scriptcase all the form fields {…} AND the code variables $… are the same field IF HAVE THE SAME NAME.
that are very dangerous in any programming tool or ide as scriptcase.
I suggest scriptcase ADD any extra characters to each code variable to turn “different” one to other.
{name} fields without changes
$name add by example “w_” in compile time resulting as $w_name in the code generated to avoid conflicts with other similar {name} field.
then this problem is turned transparent for the programmer.
My recent experience:
I have two date fields in one table with the names “fecha” and “modificado_fecha”
then I add two events onBeforeInsert and onBeforeUpdate with code as:
$fecha = date(“Y-m-d G:i:s”);
{modificado_fecha} = $fecha;
{modificado_por} = [usr_login];
this code cause ERROR because the “fecha” form field is modified, in other words, scriptcase SEE this code as.
{fecha} = date(“Y-m-d G:i:s”);
{modificado_fecha} = {fecha};
{modificado_por} = [usr_login];
booth are exactly the same for scriptcase !!!
and as result I have modified the wrong field !!!