Action Button on Grid


i want to create an action button on a grid (record level) , when this button is pressed a date field must be altered for that record.

How can i do this?

thanks in advance…



create a new field in your grid, then in the on record event create sonmething like:

$link = sc_make_link(<blank_application that receives the id of the record and changes the date>, ChangeDateToId= {idfield});
{newfield} = '<button value={idfield} onclick=''' . $link . '">Change Date</button>';

and… thats it… just remember to create the blank applicatino to change the date.


Ok, i’ve tried this :

$link = sc_make_link("blank_1", ChangeDateToId= {autoid});
{Boekin} = '<button value={autoid} onclick=''' . $link . '">Change Date</button>';

Blank_1 = the blank application
Boekin = the added field
autoid = id of the record which must be altered

I’m getting this error when running the application :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘’’’ (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\HM\grid_Boekingen\grid_Boekingen_grid.class.php on line 1947

What is going wrong? The blank appliaction is still ‘blank’.


check the quotes in the button tag… you copied pasted what i sent and it has an error, check the double quotes.


Hi sempai kafe

I was reading this post to try to use the sc_make_link for something but didn’t work for me, don’t if it’s a bug or I’m doing something wrong

here is the code in grid > on header

My need is to make a small icon that links to another application and passes the parameter [glo_var1]=100 integer value

[icon_img] = "<img src='../_lib/img/sys__NM__ico__view.png' boarder='0' width='32px' height='32px' alt='View' title='view'></img>";

$link1 = sc_make_link(grid36, param1=[glo_var1]); // I tried also to put direct glo_var=100 and [glo_var1]=100 as part of the $link variable but didn't work

[output] = "<a href='".$link1."'>"[icon_img] "</a>";

// where [output] is a value in the header to show on the grid in the header place...

now, the image is not displaying, if replaced [icon_img] with “test” as string, it work and shows “test” text, link to application “grid36” works, but the parameter is not being passed…

any clue?

i think so:

Is this the actual code?, could you please post the actual code you are using?.


oh kafe dude, didn’t notice you replied here, will show you the code for sure, cya soon