add class external php for use internal in project scripcase

Hi, good day.

I have class php for use connect for asterisks at protocol manager AMI. this class use other application and work.

I like use class for use internal in application scripcase.

or how to use webservice client and send data if select record in grid.?

Re: add class external php for use internal in project scripcase

There is a sc_include()/sc_include_lib() that may help?


Re: add class external php for use internal in project scripcase

Scott. Thanks you answer.

$resultado = $client->call($strhost,$intport,$struser,$strpassword,$strChannel,$strPhoneNumber,$strContext,$strCallerId,$strWaitTime,$stridcall);

I have grid, view records,
I not understand how the record select and send data var $strPhoneNumber,$stridcall for press button new call.

Re: add class external php for use internal in project scripcase

You can pass variables using _SESSION, or in the URL yourself, or using sc_link by sending params.
