Added a new field in MySQL table with a form, how do i add the new field to form

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have an exsting mySQL table and added a new field, and I already have a form for this table, how do I add the field to the form without redoing the entire form scratch?

Kindly give me any documentation or exiting Knowledge base document so I can solve this issue. I am new at using Scriptcase 7

Best regards,


If you need to apply the changes to a form go to application -> synchronize. Then you will see the changes and click ok. Then go to edit fields and move the field(s) you want into your form. If you save this form, the fields are added to your fieldlist.

If you need to apply the changes to a grid, you need to adjust the select sql statement by adding the fieldnames manually. If you save then the steps are similar as above.

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Dear Mr. Drent,

Thank you for the solution. We will try this.

Best regards,
