Where and how cna I add a new meta tag that gets generated with my code everytime? I need the tag from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff955275(v=vs.85).aspx so I need the X-UA-Compatible to appear in every page in my header.
This is due to the point that when you develop an applciation in scriptcase with a frame within a frame it will not appear properly (bottom buttons will fall off) if IE 9/10
is in the wrong document mode (IE7 standards is the one that causes this to happen).
Using that tag pages can be forced to show properly even if a frame is within a frame. Of course only ie has a problem, apparently I dont see another browser with such issues. But I cant force my users to use a proper browser.
It would be great if come pieces of the generated code could be adjusted via smarty or something else, for example an OnRender event for every DOM.