after the update sc
ScriptCase v8.1.008, when I create a new form emerged description error "Application can not be generated: Primary Key field undefined.
Configure the primary key in: application-> Form Settings-> SQL Settings. "When in edit fields and sql already defined primary key, is there a solution to this problem?
and when I try on / off in sql afterwards generate source code again and run the application, the application is not open and there is an error bari again "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’ in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ NetMake \ v81 \ wwwroot \ scriptcase \ app \ sites \ inputPromo \ form_promo_apl.php on line 3194 "
generate source code is successful but when the form is executed appear like this " Error when accessing the database: "
and viewSql cannot view
Hola. Lo m?s simple es eliminar y volver a crear la aplicaci?n. Me pas? lo mismo y creo que cuando se gener? la aplicaci?n por lotes no se gener? bien. Busque la definici?n de la tabla en la base de datos y estaba bien. El SQL estaba bien, el campo obligatorio en la forma estaba bien. As? que elimine la aplicaci?n form y grid de mi tabla y la volv? a crear y problema solucionado.
Please, go to “SQL” and select the primary key, you need both settings, in “Edit Field” and “SQL”.