Ajax Event shows a popup box in browser for output

I am using an api from Canada Post to use address complete interactive find
AddressComplete Interactive Find – Address Complete

I have included the sample code as in the above link into my project as an external library. It is a single class file.
I am calling the library in an Blur of Ajax Event for the PostalCode field. The code in the blur event right now uses echo to show values got from the Canada Post web api. I have commented out these echo commands. Still there is an yellow pop up called message showing up

I tried the same code in a separate HTML file outside of scriptcase. I am not getting this popup.
uploading the html file and class function here.

addresscomplete.php (3.1 KB) htmltest.php (1.1 KB)
I do not want the output window to be shown. How can I achieve this ? How to turn it off ?
I tried the ajax event in another field too , now without using the library. Same effect.

“Application” → “Settings” → turn off “Ajax Error Output” under the “Notification Settings” section.

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