Amazing !!!!! Waiting for months for fixing bug in onbur event !!!! Please do it

I 'm angry because my customers are angry to clic 2 times on buttons !!!
Please fix this stupid bug that we are waiting for months , I’ll write again and again every day till this bug will be fixed …

After update from v7 to V8, on some screens (control, grid and form) user needs to click twice to functions buttons !!!
example: validation button on control app, does not validate on first time click but well on second time
when using calculator, I need to click twice on all buttons ???

The problem is when there is an onbur event on a field and you push to buttons directly without leaving this field
It’s the same problem with numeric fields with calculator, you have to click Twice in calculator !!!


[QUOTE=nacyil;33874]I 'm angry because my customers are angry to clic 2 times on buttons !!!
Please fix this stupid bug that we are waiting for months , I’ll write again and again every day till this bug will be fixed …

After update from v7 to V8, on some screens (control, grid and form) user needs to click twice to functions buttons !!!
example: validation button on control app, does not validate on first time click but well on second time
when using calculator, I need to click twice on all buttons ???

The problem is when there is an onbur event on a field and you push to buttons directly without leaving this field
It’s the same problem with numeric fields with calculator, you have to click Twice in calculator !!!


Nacil, your point was taken and I have made a notice to sc a few days ago. The issue can be easily reproduced as I understand from Dave and thus I expect sc will react on this. No guarantees, but sometimes it works. You can try to post this every day, but I will delete it and finally ban you. Not because you are wrong, or that I disagree with you, but because it’s against any forum rules.

As Albert said this isn’t really a good way to handle things.
Although what you could do is just bumping your original post every now and then to make it more noticable.
At least I’d think the mods wouldn’t really have a problem with that.

In case you don’t know what bumping is:

Hello Albert

I know it’s not a good way, but I send also emails to bugs team directly without any answer !!!
What can I do ?? Waiting ?? I’m waiting for 4 months for this bug, I have problem with my customer and I don’t want to modify +/- 200 app

I will update every days my original thread !!!

[QUOTE=nacyil;33885]Hello Albert

I know it’s not a good way, but I send also emails to bugs team directly without any answer !!!
What can I do ?? Waiting ?? I’m waiting for 4 months for this bug, I have problem with my customer and I don’t want to modify +/- 200 app

I will update every days my original thread !!![/QUOTE]

I don’t mind bumping, but I do mind spamming. As a moderator, that’s where I will come in. Again, I totally agree with you and that’s why I brought this issue under attention of SC.

Thanks Albert

I will wait till friday to see what happend :slight_smile:

Hi nacyil,

Don’t worry. The problem will be reported to bugs team and probably, it’ll be solved in the next releases. Please, check the changelog for keep updated.

Hello c.vinicius

Happy to read your thread, I will wait


Thanks albert !!!