An old bug, still there

Back in version 5, IIRC, I raised the issue that code generation would in certain circumstances misname fields. The problem seems consistent when long table names are used. So, by example, a table named AllocSectionIndex, with a primary key field as AllocSectionIndex.ID;

When SC has woven its magic, AllocSectionIndex.ID becomes ocSectionIndex.ID

The work around is to alias the field name, e.g. “SELECT … AllocSectionIndex.ID AS someidfield”.

The bug persists in SC8.


Please advise what is the database you are using and the type of connection to the Scriptcase, just so I can simulate and forward for developers.

Hello GuiGuy,

Could you provide us some extra information on the issue? Your database and type of connection?


Sorry about the delay, I’ve been away.

Anyhow, in this instance it is mysql, but I get the same problem with MS Access.


Thanks for your feedback.

Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


Could you provide us the sqldump of any tables used by the application and the SQL used in the application as well (or perhaps the application itself)? PM-me or send it to

Bernhard Bernsmann


we test and simulate your problem in our system, but we can not simulate the way you described the topic. Could you tell us more details of how to simulate your problem?