Annoyance please check and resolve

As a developer I regularly press the save button, as we all know we have to do that.
So now I have a big list of code in my window and I am scrolled down at line 600, I press save to save my code and the while window reloads. But it DOES NOT jump back to to place where my cursor was…

Anooying and worth fixing…

b.t.w. this also goes for sc7 (and below I guess);

I agree with this as a suggestion.

And to add to that - it would be good if when SC times out if it could offer a “force save on logout” option which you can choose to enable or not. there are times when I get pulled away and when I get back the timeout has logged me out. Taking it a step further, it would be also nice if at logout SC saved the “desktop” and what was open, and at login offered the option of “restoring” the previous state.

O yes that is indeed so, that happened to me also a few times. And I totally second that previous state also!

My bypass is to copy and paste into notepad or similar.

I find it hard to trust browser and any sort of browser form submissions from experience, i always copy and paste code first.

The amount of times this has happened in many other apps etc… i just don’t risk it anymore.

I would welcome a change, but i will always copy and paste first regardless.

You have a point, I would also prefer to have a better php code editor in scriptcase as well. And for big pieces of code I use notepad++ or synedit or something else as well… When something fails I can just do an undo a few times and voila I can restart from there.
I’d also prefer a more complete php editor with better syntax checking… Although that last piece is less important. But a php editor with code completion would be great (and they already exist as open source).

This would be very nice to have. I use Codelobster at the mo and i love how that works, it would be great to get similar features into Scriptcase code editor.

[QUOTE=rr;27026]You have a point, I would also prefer to have a better php code editor in scriptcase as well. And for big pieces of code I use notepad++ or synedit or something else as well… When something fails I can just do an undo a few times and voila I can restart from there.
I’d also prefer a more complete php editor with better syntax checking… Although that last piece is less important. But a php editor with code completion would be great (and they already exist as open source).[/QUOTE]

Could you share those free open sources PhP IDE editor with code completion and syntax check?
I’ve know some companies that have online / cloud IDE envoirments, but its expensive.

One is:

ICE coder

Thank you both Albert and Giu. :rolleyes:
I’ll check into those.

Hello rr,

I will discuss your suggestion with our team

Bernhard Bernsmann