Apparently the logging module has an error. If I have an application with many fields and a lot of values it can cause an error.
So in my case this is created:
INSERT INTO MUTF_LOG (inserted_date, username, application, creator, ip_user, action, description) VALUES (‘2014-02-06 16:39:32’, ‘114397’, ‘hfd_mutform’, ‘Scriptcase’, ‘’, ‘insert’, ‘–> keys <-- nr : 0||–> fields <-- STA… lots of text…’)
This can cause an ora 1704 error. This error occurs because a LITERAL string is being used. And according to oracle literals longer then 4000 characters will cause this error.
So hence this code that is being generated is wrong (see example below). 4000 characters is easily reached.
It WILL BE OK if this is not done via literals but via bind variables!!
So be aware that this can cause weird errors to occur.
Seeing that scriptcase doesnt work much with bind variables I guess this also goes wrong on any oracle CLOB field hat gets more then 4000 characters. I’ll test that tho…
function NM_gera_log_insert($orig="Scriptcase", $evento="", $texto="")
2710| {
2711| $dt = "'" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "'";
2712| $usr = isset($_SESSION['glob_user']) ? $_SESSION['glob_user'] : "";
2713| if (in_array(strtolower($_SESSION['scriptcase']['glo_tpbanco']), $this->Ini->nm_bases_access))
2714| {
2715| $dt = "#" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "#";
2716| }
2717| if (in_array(strtolower($_SESSION['scriptcase']['glo_tpbanco']), $this->Ini->nm_bases_informix))
2718| {
2719| $dt = "EXTEND(" . $dt . ", YEAR TO FRACTION)";
2720| }
2721| if (in_array(strtolower($_SESSION['scriptcase']['glo_tpbanco']), $this->Ini->nm_bases_access))
2722| {
2723| $comando = "INSERT INTO MUTF_LOG (inserted_date, username, application, creator, ip_user, `action`, description) VALUES ($dt, " . $this->Db->qstr($usr) . ", 'hfd_mutform', '$orig', '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', '$evento', " . $this->Db->qstr($texto) . ")";
2724| }
2725| elseif (in_array(strtolower($_SESSION['scriptcase']['glo_tpbanco']), $this->Ini->nm_bases_sqlite))
2726| {
2727| $comando = "INSERT INTO MUTF_LOG (id, inserted_date, username, application, creator, ip_user, action, description) VALUES (NULL, $dt, " . $this->Db->qstr($usr) . ", 'hfd_mutform', '$orig', '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', '$evento', " . $this->Db->qstr($texto) . ")";
2728| }
2729| else
2730| {
[color=RED] 2731| $comando = "INSERT INTO MUTF_LOG (inserted_date, username, application, creator, ip_user, action, description) VALUES ($dt, " . $this->Db->qstr($usr) . ", 'hfd_mutform', '$orig', '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', '$evento', " . $this->Db->qstr($texto) . ")";
2732| }
2733| $_SESSION['scriptcase']['sc_sql_ult_comando'] = $comando;
2734| $rlog = $this->Db->Execute($comando); [color]
2735| if ($rlog === false)
2736| {
2737| $this->Erro->mensagem (__FILE__, __LINE__, "banco", $this->Ini->Nm_lang['lang_errm_inst'], $this->Db->ErrorMsg());
2738| if ($this->NM_ajax_flag)
2739| {
2740| hfd_mutform_pack_ajax_response();
2741| exit;
2742| }
2743| }
2744| }