Further to highlighting an old bug that has not been fixed, http://www.scriptcase.net/forum/showthread.php?6840-An-old-bug-still-there , I see that the bug has now gotten worse! WHereas previously (in SC7) I was able to alias the field name to get out of trouble, this seems no longer possible.
This is the key part of the SQL, known to be working in MySQL Workbench and PHPmyadmin, in the grid:
[B]Allocations.ID AS AllocID[/B],
AllocSectionIndex.ID AS SectionID,
AllocAreas.name AS AreaName,
AllocPortions.name AS PortionName,
AllocRows.Name AS RowName,
This is what happens when I attempt to run the grid application
Error while accessing the database:
SelectLimit(SELECT ocAreas.name as areaname,
AllocPortions.name as portionname,
AllocRows.Name as rowname,
Allocations.Number as allocations_number, …
This has effectively brought my project development under SC8 to a standstill.