Any Template Engine in SC?

Does SC come with any template engine?
if i would like to create a blank app with SC (due to the limitation of delivered SC GUI framework)
How could i use template engine rather that mess up biz logic and presentation layer together in a BLANK app?

Thanks for the pointer

That would be realy a challenge. You can make templates, i.e. for header/footer and you can mess around by ‘injecting’ code for i.e. background images etc. But there’s no smarty, or something similar. But blank applications are needed when you have to do something special, which cannot be done otherwize. The comfort is that you still can use scriptcase macro’s and libs. I use the blank applications to handle calls from payment providers like paypal and IDeal. But if you need them very often then you should consider if you have the right product.

hi Albert, any plan SC developer going to bring in template engine in near future?
or some GUI friendly feature.

Thanks for the clarification.

I don’t know as I’m a reseller and not a SC developer. Of course we use SC for developing our own applications. It depends what you want to do. One of the main powers is that the most time consuming issues like frontend design and CRUD are generated so that you can concentrate on business rules. I sometimes add my own default background by adding a code snippet like you can see on an application under development btw which will be a showcase for scriptcase in the Netherlands.
If you have ideas or wishes you can always create a wishlist and post it here.