Any way to speed up compilation?

Any way to speed up compilation?

Any slight change requires something like 70 seconds for compilation which is a productivity killer!!

There’s not very much to do except that compilation speed is influenced by the speed it can retrieve database information. I mean, if you set your filter on the connection so that it will only select the tables needed things go faster. But if your database doesn’t have much tables and you have these speeds, and restarting your dev engine doesn’t help, you need a faster pc I think. But it’s hard to tell because you might have a very complicated form, I don’t know.

This is just a single control. Yes there is functionality and functions within but any minor change 70 seconds to wait!!

It is indeed and those are ridiculous compiling times. But honestly, my largest compilation is taking up to 10 seconds, even for complex application. I assume that you have rebooted your pc and it didn’t help. One issue which occurs sometimes is that apache is spawning a lot of processes eating all available memory. Restarting this service useually solves the issue. But it’s hard to tell why it takes so long at your place.


As Albert stated, perhaps migrating SC’s internal database from SQLite to the DB you use can really speed things up.

I will discuss your suggestion with our team.


Thanks Bartho. Difference indicated by Albert is staggering. Are there any recommended guidelines to develop? What is strange is that the machine I am using is Core i5 with 8GB or RAM and an SSD drive?!

I’m running on a I7 first generation with traditional hard-disks and 8GB memory. So it’s a weaker system then your’s. I never saw that huge processing times.