Giu thnks for your answer, I appreciate, you are very kind.
Aka thks for your interesting about integration and your efforts.
This post will be for answer and share my philosophy about joomla integration.
Next post I will share my issue with master/detailed app, global variable issue.
First of all, the integration can have many perspectives and for me, this what I have found on my experience:
I am fan since the joomla beginning when was mambo, I have seen the growth, today is a monster, a very complete CMS platform. So why to repeat that work again? I mean joomla has everything for manage users to a very high and advanced level, using ACL you can really manage organization of things.
I see SC as a good standalone software (with some things at development), I know could stop at moments the work, but it is, as people says ?as is?, so there it is, SC is ?as is?, so with this, how can we help?, contributing and try to bypass situations, so go ahead, we are here and we have to go.
Coming back to joomla, Aka I have read your post, my perspective is little diferent:
1 if you use the code I have posted about joomla api, you will have a foot in the heart of joomla. Just try it please, and your will have a user_id at your app. (at least at the main one)
2 SC is for complement your systems not for substitute joomla, joomla does this job pretty well, validate users, assing acl, etc etc
3 you do not have to match tables or somethink like that, match tables is like using backdoor and duplicate records, don?t still thinking that way, you have the LOGGED USER_ID in a variable !! in your hands, do it whatever you want with this value, make a simple or a complex system at SC using that value.
4 why to extend or substitute joomla registration form, there are a bunch of extended register profiles extensions and they do it pretty good, and using for example social network exensions you have a really nice homes for your users/department/whatever
5 you don?t need to be struggling with ?joomla session? anymore, cause with the api you have the LOGGED USER ID. That it is.
6 For my perspective SC become very powerfull complementing what joomla doesnt do, what is?? Your proper o specific system needs, N x N relations , 1 to N relations, etc etc, Joomla is the platform, and SC is your logic, specific solution to some requirement.
7 for to make extensions, thats another history, you need other tools and code code code.
8 iframes is a kind of sort the situation for the moment, I dont like it either, but is “as is” for the moment, and you can match the look and feel pretty well (except the css buttons menu), I have match very good with my first SC app the look of the Joomla template., you can not notice the diference.
9 Later we can discuss how to embed the code, not the iframe, that would be very nice, I have some ideas, I just need to understand the paths of /_lib/prod
Ok, for now is enough, all my commnent are very respectful and we all together we can share solutions, more than philosophic 