Application Document and Images Path Ignored

I wasn’t able to setup custom paths for tmp, image, doc paths.
The system ignores the specified values and index.php is compiled with the old standard global values.

I tried almost everything:

  1. From Application Settings
  2. Inserting in every supported event:

$firstKey = array_key_first($_SESSION[‘sc_session’]);

$SESSION[‘sc_session’][$firstKey][‘form name’][‘upload_field_info’]['field’][‘upload_url’] = “path value”;

$_SESSION[‘scriptcase’][‘form name’][‘glo_nm_path_imagens’] = “path value”;
$_SESSION[‘scriptcase’][‘form name’][‘glo_nm_path_imag_temp’] = “path value”;

  1. Inserting in every supported event:

$this->Ini->path_imagens = ‘path value’;
$this->Ini->path_imag_temp = ‘path value’;
$this->Ini->path_doc = “path value”;

$this->path_imagens = ‘path value’;
$this->path_imag_temp = 'path value;
$this->path_doc = “path value”;

Any workaround?
Please, can somebody help me in this?

Thank you