Applying background color to each individual row in editable grid view form.


I am using editable grid form application and want to apply different background color to each row depending upon value of a field ranging between 1 to 5. This grid view form application shows messages of activities in whole application and depending upon severity of message I want to apply background color to fields. How can I apply background to each individual rows?


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You can use a ScriptCase macro: sc_field_style

 sc_field_style({my_field}, '#FFFF00'); // yellow

That works on a grid, but on an editable grid? At least you must use onload

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Re: Applying background color to each individual row in editable grid view form.

Thanks Gentlemen for replying. The macro sc_field_style applies background color to text and it only works in grid application only not in form application nor in grid view form application. What I want is background color to <tr> </tr> tag in that grid table, is there any way?


AFAIK no. The only way I know is by using this macro which has limited usage.

sc_field_style is the only one on scriptcase. But you always can use some custom CSS or JS to make all you want with the generated HTML code of SC.

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