Are you looking to hire a SC consultant? If so I suggest you contact Giu!

If you need any kind of help in SC or JavaScript I would definitely recommend hiring Giu at Komenco IT Solutions! I have had the pleasure of working with him on a project over the past few months and his help has been invaluable! I could not have completed the project without him. My client was so impressed with what we delivered he gave me 2 more projects to do! Giu a great value for the price he charges and easily worth double in my opinion!

Thanks again Giu for the great work and for helping me get better with SC along the way!

I appreciate your nice words Ted. Thanks :slight_smile:

I can Recommend Him as well… He is one of the seniors in this forum and an expert from head to tail… Valuable addition to any team.


Thanks for your words @kafecadm I appreciate it.