Re: Arranging Menu / Layout
Hi. That example doesn’t use containers. The menus each have a built in iframe for any content it needs to load up - it uses that iframe. You can force things back and forth to communicate between container columns, but I would advise to keep it simple at first - just use the menus. When you have a setup like the example, your menu (horizontal) must be what app taht gets loaded at login. The side vertical menu is teh default app for the first menu. You may have different side menus for different top menu items.
I think the best advice I can give, based on the complex stuff I am into now, is start very basic and build. Start using the stock menus and such, and get something to work. It is so easy to get busted at the beginning on trying to get all sorts of complex effects. So far, I have not encountered anything I could not build using SC and some code in events.
Whatever you do, do it within the SC project context - no editing generated code. Once in a while I end up looking at the generated code (with notepad++) or similar IDE, but only if I am encountering “bugs” (99% mine own fault, but 1% SC bugs I then report).
The reason I say just get it working with as simple a menuing system as you can start with, is that SC apps are very easy to put into new menus and even containers. So you can get the core of the system working, then go back and work on version 2 which is more of a repackaging.
One last thing - the containers can be the default app for the menu - or they can also contain the menu. Just remember that when you press teh menu items, they apps linked to them will load in the iframe of that menu.
You will get it 