Article page

Dear all,

How can I create an article page as an intro page for the submenu items?

For example: by clicking on the menu item ‘Home’ I see a welcome text and then I can click on the submenu items.

Thank you so much for your assistance.


You can set a link on every level of the menu. So if you have a menu item ‘home’ with subitems ‘homesub1’ and ‘homesub2’ then you can have links on all three levels. Clicking on home will link to a welcome page, etc.

Dear Albert,

Thank you. Can I create a page within ScriptCase as well or do I have to create an empty PHP page and link it to the item?


In fact, you can do both. Whatever you like. If your welcome page is put into the database you can create a field as label to display. That’s how I would do it. But it’s up to you.

Where do I have to create this field? And where can I add the text?

Thank you.
