assuming to develop an app using sc and upload to other server as script

hello, i have a question before going ahead and buy the sc expensive license (even not able to understnad if i formatted my pc then i will have to buy it again??? - then no support and nobody cares, days of waiting now…)

1- - my question is, if i have sc 7 installed on my development laptop, then i build the application and all ok, logic says that i have to copy the generated files and export the mysql db from localhost and restore it to the online server, then copy the php files to httpdocs and fix the configuration/connection files… right!?

2- is it important to have the same version of php/mysql on my development laptop the same as the production server that i will place the application on??? i have on my laptop the zend server CE php 3.5.8 and on the prodection is xampp php version 5.2.9 and i can’t change it actually, is that a problem? how i make sure of that?

3- again, number 1, are you sure guys that i can run the generated scripts/php stuff with the database on another srever as stand alone application or need to sc to be installed on the same server???

please answer my questions i am beggining to sc and nobody from support nor sales is answering my question for the past few days, i watched the videos and liked the software and i want to buy the license hence i am trying to collect some important information for me before going ahead and paying $500 i think that is nor wrong

awaiting for any support could be,

thanks in advanced


1 Yes. I useually deploy locally to a wamp package and test outside SC. then I use filezilla to upload the dir’s to my production server. Initially a lot, but after that only the changed files.
2 if you install SC you get apache, zend, php etc. I don’t recommend using 3.5.8.
3.In production you only need to upload the generated code.

hope this answers your questions.

perfect, that answeres my concrens, somehow,

A- again, 2- if not used zend ce and 3.5.8 then i will rely on the Apache that installed with SC, what about if i want to test something else away from SC on the same machine? i like xampp but doens’t work with SC so if used the SC package how to put stuff in htdocs and test them as development environment though?

B- moreover, SC doesn’t come with mysql right? is the zend php… (etc) include mysql? i think it does as makes SC work??? what version it is?

C- generated code to be copied to external server? that seems awesome, even it is not available in the trial version to test it out :frowning: well, what about the database? need to be re-created step by step or i can export it from SC/localhost one and restore it there on the production server? what other configuration/connections i need?

  • in short, my point is how long usually will take to go live with an application with production server??

one last Q please, does the exported scripts will run under any php or supposed to have exact version of php/mysql…etc to run on the production server? this one was mentioned before and still no answser, kindly answer it with the above Qs :slight_smile:

thanks danke

[QUOTE=itsme3;21789]one last Q please, does the exported scripts will run under any php or supposed to have exact version of php/mysql…etc to run on the production server? this one was mentioned before and still no answser, kindly answer it with the above Qs :slight_smile:

thanks danke[/QUOTE]

So far we have developed in SC in a lower PHP version than in production. But if you create your own code and you apply features of a certain php version than you might run into problems if you need to deploy to another php version. But I think you can understand that.

[QUOTE=itsme3;21788]perfect, that answeres my concrens, somehow,

A- again, 2- if not used zend ce and 3.5.8 then i will rely on the Apache that installed with SC, what about if i want to test something else away from SC on the same machine? i like xampp but doens’t work with SC so if used the SC package how to put stuff in htdocs and test them as development environment though?

I don’t understand your question. Are you developing in a linux environment or windows? If you deploy you only need a standard wamp package. All you need will be in the generated project for upload.

B- moreover, SC doesn’t come with mysql right? is the zend php… (etc) include mysql? i think it does as makes SC work??? what version it is?

I don’t know which version of zend is used. Don’t bother finding out. SC is a database independent tool So yes, you need to install mysql yourself. If you install a wamp package on the same engine as your SC is running then you can share the same db. No problem at all.

C- generated code to be copied to external server? that seems awesome, even it is not available in the trial version to test it out :frowning: well, what about the database? need to be re-created step by step or i can export it from SC/localhost one and restore it there on the production server? what other configuration/connections i need?

You just upload your source code. To get your database live you need to use other tools like phpMyAdmin. Just dump it on your development machine and import it into your production machine.

  • in short, my point is how long usually will take to go live with an application with production server??[/QUOTE]

If Wamp is available about an hour. But sometimes you run into problems depending on the hosting provider. that’s not a SC issue, that the problem that each and every provider have their own implementation of php and the modules they support.

I understand, thanks a lot really.

If you got time to lead me to any place that i know what is the required to do after exporting, then will be greatfull, especially if you tell me how to change the connection paths to the production ones, and if it is applicable to export the mysql db and import it to the production mysql version like upload sql file function?

i’m sure that is doable, just confirming…

also missing answer, regarding the php version that is needed to run sc7 and whatever earlier php versions can run the exported applications? (without additional code, just standards SC functions stuff…)

thanks again in advanced,

The latest question is difficult to answer as I’m not sure. In general we ran php in production at a higher version then SC had. If you need to know versions you could install phpinfo on the sc apache server to watch. But I never had any problems so far.

If you have deployed your application and start it up for the first time you will be redirected to an SC admin section where you can define all kinds of settings like paths and database connections.

Thanks Albert, I think its is enough for me to buy the script, I just want to confirm from sales regarding the email I sent them about licensing, i don’t want surprises later on :slight_smile:

appreciated your time

will be in touch :slight_smile:


Yes, it’s always best to check and test before buy. Currently it’s carnaval. So I guess you don’t have to expect a fast response from SC, theire doing the Samba. Like in Bavaria I don’t expect response from my contacts during the October Feste :wink:

wow Samba is nice loooooool i loved it since that time in the world cup event :slight_smile: I guess we will have it once more this year :slight_smile: if sc people will be there then i think we will need to travel over and ask them for a support face to face would be easier :smiley:

hmmmm regarding wamp, I’m assuming it is like xampp as well, so how do you run them both together dude? I mean like sc runs on zend which it is installed by sc itself, then wamp will use another version of php/apache/mysql then how you run them together? do you mean NOT simultaneously? do they work this way?

my point is to have both sc and xampp/wamp working together on the same machine, i tried sc to work but xampp stopped and can’t be run, then if re-installed and configured xampp then sc stops running, i guess because of the version of php/apache/mysql they use… each one uses different version, what you think? what is best practice? what you do for yourself?

wamp/xamp use per default the ports 80 and 443 scriptcase uses port 97. So you can run them together without a problem. Wamp is a local dir with its own mysql/php/apache and so is xamp.
Scriptcase development server is also its own server (on port 97) and its own php and so on.
So I dont get that you cant run them together, we have uniform (another xampp like thing) running on the same server where our sc development runs on, al without problems. As long as you choose the proper ports, and be aware of the https port, this is often forgotten.
Where needed edit the http.conf and change the ports (do a search on google where the settings are in your wamp/xamp/…).
Dont forget to restart the apache/wamp/… service.

I already described how I deploy: first locally to the wamp package on my development machine then Filezilla to the main server. The Zend stuff is already in the SC package and on the local wamp server you don’t have/need SC. Just install a wamp like uniform mike described and install SC. That’s it. Don’t worry about zend, in production you don’t need it.