I just recently got this at the end of a posting. It looks like an alert ox, but says ATTENTION and displays a colon.
I have no idea if it is a system message or one I created, but I cant find code for it.
Anyone know? And why then :
it could be an error in a script. turn on debug mode and see what additional info it gives you.
Application → Settings → Debug Mode
I did that rp. No other info. I also put echo statements in the before insert and after insert to see if they were being executed, but nothing appeared. Seems to be happening before either event
I have come across this before. I can only suggest then that you can remove all custom code (events, ajax, js, etc) and test again. Normally this allows me to find the issue however obscure it may be. Hopefully you can find the cause somewhere in your code. If not, then app may be corrupt and need to be remade (although I haven’t had this issue much in recent years).
Removing code did not work. I suspect there was a corruption as well. I took the day and am rebuilding the app. So far so good. It now seems to be working. What a waste of time the has been
Thank you rperret