Auto Complete field don't filled with capture link

Hi all,

I have an auto complete field. Next to it, I have a Capture Link, to improve searching about data to retrieve.

Problem is, when you select a record from the grid showed on capture link, field is not filled, it stays blank. If I save, record seems to save data ok, but obviously, you can see what you selected.

On Text type field works, but I don’t like to show IDs on my apps.

Here you have a gif showing the problem:

What I do after see field is empty, I fill other fields and save the record. Then, magically, the text on field appears, but is not saved due to “Field contains invalid carachters.”

:confused: BUMP :confused:

Auto complete/Select type of field unfortunately don’t function with Capture Link.
You have to do it by yourself.


As jsbinca told before, you can’t create a capture link in auto-complete field.
if you have a auto-complete field and try create a capture link, the field don’t show in the list. as show the image below:

you just can create a capture link in auto-complete field if you create the link in some text or integer field and after create the link, you change the type field to auto-complete. So happens the problem, the value just shows after save record.

I reported to our development team for they check if the problem is a bug.

Best regard,
Netmake team


Is it just me or… that shouldn’t matter, you should be able to have both functionalities in a field.
