Auto complete value in textbox


​I have a tableA consist of name, address, age.

​I have another tableB consist of name, address, age and more fields.
​I create a form using tableB, the name is using Text Auto-Complete. When the name entered can be search from tableA, I need to auto display the value for address and age, user can change if needed since it is a textbox.

​I tried putting the following under Ajax event > name onChange but it does not work. Can anyone kindly help? Thanks.
sc_select(dataset, “select * from tableA where name =’{name}’”);
if (false == {dataset})
// Error while accessing database
elseif ({dataset}->EOF)
// No record found
// Record found


Try this:

// Check for record
sc_lookup(dataset,“SELECT address, age FROM tableA
WHERE name = ‘{name}’”);


{address} = {dataset}[0][0];
{age} = {dataset}[0][1];



{address} = "";
{age} = "";
