auto exit from blank application


I have a grid application. I defined a field link to call a blank application.
The blank application is purely a set of php codes to update a file.

I have 2 question for this :

  1. How can I return to the grid application after calling the blank application ?
    I have tried to use sc_exit() in the last statement of onExec, however, it does not work.

  2. How can I force the grid application to reload records after calling the blank application?


Re: auto exit from blank application

Have a look at sc_redir(…)

It should solve both of your problems.

fyi: sc_exit(ref) should return to the calling app.


Re: auto exit from blank application

Hi, Scott,

I solved the problem by using your suggestion.
It works for both question.

Thanks a lot!


Re: auto exit from blank application

hi scott. how about this one.

something like this.

i have app_1 then onload it modal the app2
what i want is i made a changes in app2
then when i close the app2 on modal
the app1 will reload

i try the sc_redir but the modal is
the page that redirected.

how was that

Thank much in advance.

Re: auto exit from blank application

Will the user interact with app2? In other words, do they click a button to return to app1?

Re: auto exit from blank application

You have have to use old fashion code like:
echo “<script>parent.location=’…/app/app.php’</script>”;


Re: auto exit from blank application

hm really working scott.

but i used the ‘_parent’



Click to exit a Blank in Modal

Just to add to this discussion:

I was having trouble with a Blank being opened in Modal. There was no way to go back to the parent window. Through using the suggestions in this thread, a simple way now can be to add a link into the onExecute:

echo "<a href='#' onclick="parent.location='../app/app.php'" >Close</a>";

Or a graphical button can be used with the same link coding.