Automatically renaming of uploaded files

Other RAD tools have the option to automatically rename uploaded files to a random string. I need this in scriptcase also. Where is this at on the road map?

This option is not available yet.
Alternatively, you can write a piece of code yourself and rename the file.
For example, I save each upload file to a server in a specific folder. Before that, I rename it and add a upload date to it.
Example code:

// Rename uploaded file and save to country folder on server
$fileDirLocation = dirname($file);
$fileContent = file_get_contents($file);
$date = date(‘Y_m_d_h_i_s’);
file_put_contents($fileDirLocation . “/$l_country_name/name_of_file_{country}{location}”.$date. “.log”, $fileContent);

In Which event?? Do I have to code it?

Yes, i also want to know in which event the code is to be written. if possible give full code example.