Hi guys, it has been a while, today were discussing advantages and disadvantages where I showed a demo of a project done with scriptcase and it was awesome but again one main issue is still there where coudn’t be solved (yet, as far as i know), when you have a system with menu app and opening currently any app in the iframe, the browser buttons are basically useless or sometimes dangerous, if the app was a form and clicked Black button it will show error offcourse obviously, or if refresh button is hit, then all goes up and menu calls the main default app that assigned to menu app in settings, i remember spending hours during last years without positive answer, and in today’s presentation was pointed out as severe negative/weakness, so, is there any solution to that yet? anybody created a workaround that can get over this somehow?
The only thing I could think of is by using a small javascript that blocks the browser buttons. Perhaps this link has the right solution? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44553018/disable-browsers-back-button-completely
Thanks dear, i will check that soon, it was just a thought anway, since a progressive debate happened between php and java guys… so it is another workaround afterall grrrrr