Background color in rid filter


does anybody know how to change the background color of the filters when doing an advanced search?

I clarify a bit:
in a grid you do advanced search. You fill in values and conditions and clock Search.
You then get the grid back with the search results AND below the toolbar of the grid there are the filters visible under which the search is operating.
But these are (default I guess) in a bright blue.

Did search the CSS theme template for something like grid/filter but did not find it.
When I inspect the element in the browser I get (partially):

<span class=“scGridFilterTagListItemLabel” id=“grid_search_label_datecomplaint”

Off course I can change the css manually but then I have to change this after every regeneration of the application.
So where to change this in the theme template (or in the application maybe)?

Thx in advance,


//Show inactive accounts in grey - must have else

if ({active} == ‘N’)


sc_field_color ("account_id", "#BCBCBC") ;

sc_field_color (“account_type”, “#BCBCBC”) ;

sc_field_color (“account_category”, “#BCBCBC”) ;

sc_field_color (“account_group”, “#BCBCBC”) ;

sc_field_color (“account_description”, “#BCBCBC”) ;

sc_field_color (“taxitem”, “#BCBCBC”) ;




sc_field_color (“account_id”, “”) ;

sc_field_color (“account_type”, “”) ;

sc_field_color (“account_category”, “”) ;

sc_field_color (“account_group”, “”) ;

sc_field_color (“account_description”, “”) ;

sc_field_color (“taxitem”, “”) ;


To change background color - use field_style

if ({active}==‘N’){

sc_field_style({active}, 'light grey', '', '', '', '');

} else if ({active}==‘P’) {

sc_field_style({active}, 'olive', '', '', '', '');

} else if ({active}==‘S’) {

sc_field_style({active}, 'green', '', '', '', '');


//Show inactive rows in grey

Not sure if that’s what you are looking for but maybe it will help

No … I misunderstood

no problem, thx for getting involved :slight_smile:
I will try scriptcase support (burning candles)

I got a response from support which works:

You can insert htis code in the event: “onScriptInit”.

background-color: The _color_you_want; !important

This works perfect!

But now I still have a blue filter icon :slight_smile:
