Background color

Is it possible to use variable in sc_field_style (background-Color) :
sc_field_style({My_Field}, “Background-Color”, “Size”, “Color”, “Family”, “Weight”)

because it doesnt’ work


Hi Guy!
unfortunately it is not possible to use this macro with a variable =/
Really If the possibility to use it really would be very interesting!

This does the trick

[kleur_categorie] = '#EBEBEB'; //or fieldname like {field_color}// kleur en vorm van veld instellen

sc_field_style({ILP_categorie_les.ronde_naam}, '[kleur_categorie]', '15px', '#000000', 'Arial, sans-serif', 'bold');

Thanks. Works fine.

I don’t understand why we have to use global variable ?


no i don’t know either. was very puzzling for me to. :wink: