Buttons are STILL VISIBLE when the buttons are set to “off” [ sc_btn_display(“update”, “off”) ].
simple CRUD form… name, address, termination date.
simple LIST grid… name, address, termination date.
–>> Link the form to the grid using the link->properties->LinkOperationMode = Open In iFrame
Make sure the toolbar buttons (insert, update, delete) are available for the CRUD form.
in the onload event, turn off update button if the termination data is !empty({termination})
sc_btn_display(“update”, “off”);
sc_btn_display(“update”, “on”);
When the form is ran on it’s own, the button is / not displayed
When the form is linked via iframe… there is no control over the buttons. PLEASE FIX!! How can controlling data changes, updates, deletion be managed if we cannot control what buttons display???