Batch generated grid crashes

I generated a grid App using a Batch creation. Nothing fancy, - one table - grid/form

When I open an App and try to generate or save it I get an error in SC IDE - see the image

This is especially frustrating to see this code in portugese! :frowning: arhghrhghgh!

when I opened the PHP file listed in the Error in Notepad++ it looks like this (see below)

I would appreciate If somebody could check for me this same file. The big part of the file seem to be either corruped or it is encrypted, so I need to know what is causing this file to look like this.

any ideas ?



Yes, I’ve had these errors too (on other occasions) sometimes. It’s missing something with the cooljs menu. I useually manage to solve the issue by closing scriptcase, restart and regenerate.

It doesn’t help in my case. When I do it the Error reappears.

Can you please confirm that this PHP file on your computer looks the same (or not) ?

Thanks - Arthur

[QUOTE=aka;19012]It doesn’t help in my case. When I do it the Error reappears.

Can you please confirm that this PHP file on your computer looks the same (or not) ?

Thanks - Arthur[/QUOTE]

How do I do that? Most of the SC libaries are compiled and obfuscated by the Zend engine to protect copyrights.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann