best places (resources) to learn (faster)


real quick about me, my situation:

  • i know php, databases, programming, etc. very well
  • was using dreamweaver and various extensions for many years
  • created many web applications and fully dynamic web pages over the years

current situation:

  • finally think i found my ‘real solution’ => ScriptCase :slight_smile:
  • i installed it very easily on my macbook and created a few test applications (wow… with only limited button clicks and it works!!!)
  • i’m in heaven now :slight_smile:

now, moving forward:

  • i see many, many, many options, settings, screens — so much: where to go, what does it actually mean, and to learn how to use it “correctly” :frowning:
  • i have to believe, some parts of SC I will never use or need to learn… other parts in SC, I need to become extremely good at as I will use it the most… I feel my
    issue right now is… i don’t know which is which?

MY 1st Goal is to:

  • take an existing backend/frontend that I all wrote and convert it into the same (but better) functioning website using SC.
  • this existing has lots of functionality, 50% custom, 50% standard CRUD stuff

so, after testing the 1st couple SC applications, to start to see how its done, these are my initial big questions:

1) where or how to do field/page/form validations? javascript and/or php --> I will need both depending on the situation, but
I didn’t quite see WHERE you do it? ALSO, i was expecting to see simple (point & click) way to add validation?

example: a phone number field = (javascript to validate instantly to help end user) and (php to validate database requirements)

Does SC have a simple way to add both types of validation? OR do I need to custom code that?

2) how and where exactly is the all the code that I need to “get only” for this situation:

example: I create an application ONLY for a simple form input page for a website visitor to fill out a form. (like a website page form to create a lead)

in my test app, I created the form, but it has ALL the extra stuff a backend admin user would need, BUT for a website visitor, the ONLY
thing they need is: the few fields on the form page and a Submit button.

is there a quicker, faster way to accomplish this (versus the way I did it, which was time consuming to unclick ALL the fields not needed, etc, go strip out all the extra stuff not needed, etc)?

So I only have like 30 minutes using SC and love, love what I see so far!!!
The documents, IMO are okay… once I understand more of the concepts and places to do the things I need (i’m sure the docs will be GREAT), BUT right now, it seems the documentation does not “explain why” I do this or that?

where would I go learn the concepts first of “best way” or the “correct way” to use SC to build apps:

  • for whole, complete backend apps
  • for single, one off custom form website pages


i saw the youtube page :slight_smile:

this looks very good for me:

is there one of those from start to finish of a single form?

very nice… i found this:

the Form 1 and 2 are great… short, concise… to the point. I do like that it “explains why” and then shows you :slight_smile:

QUESTION – are the ‘other’ modules, besides security and log?
