Beware! File Import Migration from SC8 to SC9

I had a control form working perfectly in SC8 to import a file (Document- File name type) into a subfolder “…/…/…/file/doc/ImportFile/” or “…/_lib/file/doc/ImportFile/” depending on if its running on live or production.

Well, in the SC9 version, I discovered import files are still being dumped in the old SC8 folder so the processing script returns a not found error. Please note I have not hard-coded any folder path into my app. Also, Settings --> System Folders, Documents Folder is correctly reading “C:/Program Files/NetMake/v9/wwwroot/scriptcase/file/doc”

If anyone has encountered and solved this, can you please assist with your solution (I want to avoid having to rewrite the whole app.)


Maybe you can try the settings directly in your file application under “Application”-“Settings”-> Documents Path but I think this affects only development

Oh well I just recreated the app from scratch and it worked. So some hidden issues with the migration app.